Mach 5 Aviation is offering a FREE, family-friendly Movie event featuring the Pixar movie, Planes! Friends and family, bring your lawn chairs and blankets for a charming, picnic-style movie viewing held in our Mach 5 Aviation hangar located on Rickenbacker Way! FREE!! **Deaf Friendly Event- subtitles will be provided as well as an ASL interpreter** Snowie King Shaved Ice Truck Outlaw Cuisine Food Truck - Burgers & Fries Drinks from Moonraker Brewing for the adults! Static Display Aircraft! Do you have a Boy Scout or Girl Scout? Earn your aviation merritt badge with our Pre-movie edutainment featuring Flight Apprentice! They will give brief aviation related training so the kids can learn and earn their badges! Participating establishments will be donating a portion of their proceeds to the Auburn Aviation Association’s scholarship fund, promoting aviation to the next generation!
Auburn Aviation AssociationP.O. Box 6454Auburn, California 95604
For Website/Payment Technical Support: Call Chris Haven at 530-401-6082