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March General Membership Meeting

  • 03/06/2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 13666 New Airport Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

Join us the first Wednesday of every month for our general membership meeting and potluck.  Our presentation has an aviation and a St. Patrick's Day theme.

The Shamrock House, a piece of Reno aviation history

What do shamrocks, a wreath for the grave of a departed friend, ghosts and an old house on Ralston Street in Reno have to do with aviation? When former AAA member Al Thym’s son Howard purchased a house on Ralston Street in Reno, little did he suspect that his daughter Heather would discover a drawer full of old newspaper articles leading to a little known tidbit of Reno aviation history. Come to the Auburn Aviation Association meeting on March 6 to hear Heather and Nancy Thym talk about the history of a house that lead to a St. Patrick’s Day tradition still carried on to this day. Nancy will also bring her 100+ year old Clark Irish harp and sing Irish songs in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Potluck MENU


M-Z: Main Dish

A-F: Dessert

G-L: Side Dish

This is an in person meeting with a Zoom broadcast.  

13666 New Airport Rd, Auburn, CA 95602

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Meeting ID: 220 443 4035

Passcode: 0yahY4

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